FutureYou Cambridge

Discover how FutureYou Cambridge encouraged a predominantly offline customer base to make purchases via the brand website


increase in active online customers


increase in returning customers


increase in retention rate

The challenge 

FutureYou Cambridge’s core audience is very specific, finding popularity amongst older health-conscious individuals interested in restorative, maintenance or preventative care.

The brand wanted to grow the number of customers buying online without sacrificing the personalised, caring experience their offline customers receive when speaking directly with their award-winning Customer Care team on the phone.

The brand also wanted to ensure digital and offline communications were fully aligned to deliver consistent, timely communications with personalised messages which demonstrated a true understanding of the customer’s needs. 

Having been using an ESP, their marketing was limited to sending the same message to a list of names. To achieve a consistent and personalised customer experience, the team needed to have a platform in place that would be able to create a seamless multi-channel experience and assist the marketing team with flexible testing options.

This is where Ometria came in. 

The solution

Welcome campaigns for direct mail customers 

Direct mail was sent with individualised codes connected to each shopper on the direct mail list in the platform. The marketing messages encouraged customers to redeem an offer online by including their unique code at checkout.

Using the Ometria platform, FutureYou Cambridge was able to gain insight on which products shoppers redeemed codes on, to learn more about their tastes and interests. Customers were then included in an updated welcome campaign

Personalised broadcast campaigns 

Ometria also gave FutureYou Cambridge the ability to personalise the company’s newsletter, which went out to both online customers and shoppers from direct mail who opted in after their first online purchase. 

By using dynamic content the supplement brand is able to make its messaging more relevant to the individual customer and their health interests – without additional work for the team. Hero images and discounts are dynamically changed based on the preferences of the recipient. 

FutureYou Cambridge was also able to segment the broadcast newsletter recipients based on whether they were a long-time or new subscriber and alter the content to suit the customer lifecycle stage. 

Cross-sell combinations and replenishment 

As well as personalising the online messages to shoppers who came from direct mail, Ometria enabled FutureYou Cambridge to learn which combinations of products proved most popular. Within the platform the brand was able to offer select items to purchase together and up-sell products that were overall favourites. 

By using Ometria to learn more about its customers’ preferences, FutureYou Cambridge could then create a replenishment campaign for those items. Shoppers that had originally come from direct mail, now become avid subscribers and engage with the brand across more than one channel. 

Case studies

Join industry-leading retailers that are driving incredible CRM growth

Laura Hickey
Senior CRM Manager, Interflora

"Using Ometria has had a significant impact on our ability to send relevant marketing messages to our customers and allowed us to make the business case for further investment in the CRM strategy.”

increase in revenue from automated campaigns
Credence Pym
CRM Manager at Sigma Sports

"Having Ometria has completely transformed our approach to CRM. Through its intuitive platform, we have gained a deeper understanding of our customer base and are able to react quickly with relevant, personal emails that help us to achieve targets and deliver a great customer experience."

increase in revenue from returning customers
Lara Pelissier Aillaud
Digital Marketing Director

"Increasing our ROI has never been so easy! Our customer engagement strategy is now clear and bespoke to our customers needs."

increase in revenue from email channel

“The insight really is gold dust to us right now. The projections are powerful and eye opening, the objectives are clear with an achievable roadmap.”

Marni Dasanjh
Ecommerce Manager
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