
Sigma Sports

How premium cycling retailer Sigma Sports increased revenue from returning customers by 70% using Ometria.


increase in revenue from returning customers


increase in its retention rate


increase in active customers within its customer base

The Challenge

Catering to road cyclists, mountain bikers, triathletes, runners and more, premium cycling retailer Sigma Sports wanted to give every customer a bespoke marketing experience with their brand that reflected the company’s passion and personality.

However, its marketing stack – made up of a basic ESP and multiple other tools – was holding it back.

Lack of joined-up customer data prevented the marketing team from personalising campaigns in a meaningful way. Using multiple providers resulted in large amounts of manual work transferring data between solutions, and gave Sigma Sports little control over how many messages a customer was receiving. What’s more, campaigns were difficult to set up and amend in their email provider, making it difficult to test out new ideas and optimise campaigns.

The Solution

Customer insights & expertise

With all of its customer data in one place, the marketing team was able to gain insight into its customer base  like never before.

Ometria’s retention marketing expertise, combined with instant access to detailed customer analytics within the platform, gave the team insight that not only informed its high-level marketing strategy, but also formed the basis for the segmentation and personalisation it used across its marketing messages – from automation to broadcast emails to social custom audiences and beyond. 

Advanced automation journeys

While the brand was previously able to send basic automated emails, such as cart abandonment campaigns, Ometria enabled Sigma Sports to create an advanced, joined up automation strategy that spanned the entire customer lifecycle, including:

An updated welcome campaign for new subscribers segmented by gender and rider interests, which achieved an 8% conversion rate (compared to a 2% conversion rate with the brand’s previous welcome campaign).

A replenishment campaign for its consumable products with personalised wait times dependent on the item bought.

A post-purchase campaign, segmented by the product purchase with aftercare advice and including personalised recommendations for what to buy next.

Running campaigns from one place, powered by detailed customer insights, enabled the brand to create a consistent experience and gave Sigma Sports’ marketing team control over how many messages each shopper received.


Personalised broadcast campaigns

Ometria also gave Sigma Sports the ability to personalise the brand’s newsletter (or broadcast) campaigns, making them more relevant to the recipient without increasing the workload for the marketing team.

For example, recognising the need to cater to its female audience, the brand used dynamic content in its header images to ensure the recipient received a version of the email that was relevant to them.

Sigma Sports was also able to include segmented offers in its emails to activate different spender groups with appropriate discounts and perks, and to continue these offers across their automation campaigns as well.

Cross-channel marketing

As well as transforming its email strategy, Ometria enabled Sigma Sports to personalise the customer experience on other channels, such as Facebook and Instagram, using  custom audiences.

By syncing customer segments with social, the retailer was able to target ‘lapsed’ and ‘at risk’ shoppers with ads that showed products relevant to their previous purchases to reactivate them.

Sigma Sports also used segments created in Ometria to create lookalike audiences for lead generation competitions. These new leads helped the brand grow its database by around 15% year on year.

— Credence Pym,

CRM Manager at Sigma Sports

"Having Ometria has completely transformed our approach to CRM. Through its intuitive platform, we have gained a deeper understanding of our customer base and are able to react quickly with relevant, personal emails that help us to achieve targets and deliver a great customer experience."

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Kate Douglas
Senior Customer Marketing Manager

"Our team made it an immediate priority to adapt to the rapid changes caused by COVID 19, pivoting processes and working styles where needed. We have been able to work more efficiently and tailor our comms to our audience using real-time insights. This has resulted in far stronger email engagement and revenue, allowing us to support our independent boutiques through this challenging time."

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