
Using Ometria, Trouva was able to quickly adapt its marketing strategy to ensure its email channel remained relevant and reactive.


increase in click-through rate


increase in sessions from broadcast emails


increase open rate

Trouva is the online destination for unique products from the best curators around the world. It enables customers to discover inspiring, hard-to-find products from more than 900 independent boutiques across the UK and Europe. The appearance of COVID-19 and the ensuing lockdown presented the marketing team at Trouva with distinct challenges that required the company to be agile and responsive.

Trouva needed to adapt its messaging and communication strategy almost overnight, in the face of enforced store closures, ensuring the content remained contextually-relevant for customers who were changing their daily habits in order to adapt to the “new normal”. The brand needed tech in place that gave the marketing team agility and autonomy, as well as providing a source of insight into customer behaviour and tastes.

Insight-led campaigns

In such uncharted territory, it was vital that the CRM team was able to be fully-responsive to trends in customer behaviour so that it could make its emails as engaging as possible. Leveraging detailed customer insight from the Ometria platform, combined with internal search data and social trends, Trouva was able to craft campaigns tailored to customers’ current interests based on categories and specific items. This made their overall strategy more responsive to rapid changes in customer tastes as the lockdown intensified.


Content-focused creative emails

At this time, it was essential that all email communications felt relevant to the context customers found themselves in, which resulted in the CRM team balancing their editorial and curated approach with more reactive initiatives. This included:

- Reframing emails based on real-time insight about the products and categories that were trending in any given moment.

- Employing grid-themed design to best present curated collections of products and categories that were relevant, like the home office and workouts.

- Using banners across broadcast and automation campaigns that reminded shoppers that Trouva is ‘open for business’.

- Sending dedicated emails highlighting the clearance section of the website – campaigns which saw the greatest amount of engagement of any emails sent outside of Black Friday.


Creating team efficiency

Operating with a lean, performance-focused marketing team, Trouva needed a customer marketing platform that could help to do all the heavy lifting that comes with launching campaigns. The Ometria platform is tailor-made for a retail marketer’s day-to-day workflow, and the platform’s campaign builder helped the Trouva CRM team cut down on the amount of time taken to build and send emails, and work more efficiently.

In particular, Trouva’s emphasis on product curation at this time meant the potential to spend a lot of time manually inserting product images into emails. Using Ometria’s product selector functionality, the team was able to generate these images dynamically, saving them hours’ of work over the period.

Beyond COVID-19

The pandemic created an opportunity for Trouva to learn more about its customers, and take a more experimental approach to its CRM strategy. As lockdown eases, the long-term impact of this time on Trouva’s marketing strategy will see the team combine their existing approach of responding to customer trends and insight with a more flexible and reactive process to maximise the impact this has on customer engagement.

The Results

The switch towards more responsive, creatively-focused content saw a significant increase in engagement with broadcast emails. The more content was reactive to the current climate, the more it resonated with customers, increased engagement and reduced churn.


increase in click-through rate


increase in sessions from broadcast emails


increase open rate


decrease in unsubscribes

— Kate Douglas,

Senior Customer Marketing Manager

"Our team made it an immediate priority to adapt to the rapid changes caused by COVID 19, pivoting processes and working styles where needed. We have been able to work more efficiently and tailor our comms to our audience using real-time insights. This has resulted in far stronger email engagement and revenue, allowing us to support our independent boutiques through this challenging time."

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