
We helped LuxDeco ensure that each customer was met with a bespoke, personalised experience.


increase in lapsed customers "won back"


per cart abandonment email sent


uplift in AOV from Ometria-sent emails

The Challenge

It was while helping out at his grandparents’ successful fruit store in London’s East End that Jonathan Holmes, founder of premium furniture retailer LuxDeco, learned the true importance of building one-to-one relationships with customers.

Taking this staple of traditional face-to-face business and applying it to ecommerce, however, presented more of a challenge: with so many brand touchpoints in the online world, how could LuxDeco ensure that each customer was met with a bespoke, personalised experience, no matter how they chose to interact with the brand?

To achieve this, LuxDeco needed a marketing solution that would:

Create a single customer view that underpinned all marketing communications with accurate, comprehensive data about each customer.

Give the brand the ability to send relevant, personalised messages at the right point in the customer journey.

The Solution

Using the Ometria platform and insight from the customer success team, LuxDeco was able to:

  • identify key relationship-building moments in the customer journey with the brand.
  • automatically identify the customers that fell into each lifecycle stage – from subscribers to active customers to past customers who had lapsed.
  • identify the brand’s most loyal ‘VIP’ customers.

Then, using Ometria’s automated campaign builder, the brand was able to:

  • create and send automated emails at key points in the customer lifecycle, including a multi-stage welcome series, a first-purchase activation campaign and personalised abandonment emails.
  • segment these campaigns according to criteria like the recipient’s lifetime value, or  whether they had made a previous purchase.
  • further personalise the content of these automated emails with individually-tailored product recommendations.
— Andy Boddy,

Head of Digital at LuxDeco

"Ometria has enabled us to seamlessly understand the user, and customer signals to build an effective, efficient and successful marketing program. It’s allowed us to place the customer at the heart of our decision making."

Case studies

Join industry-leading retailers that are driving incredible CRM growth

Graham McNeely
Customer Engagement Executive

"Ometria has allowed us to expand our segmentation strategy, focus our multi-channel marketing, and has facilitated further growth of our brand through its platform and support team."

increase in orders from returning customers
increase in active online customers
Victor Bellec
CRM Manager at Wolf & Badger

"We saw a big difference after we began using Ometria. Now it’s easy for us to navigate through our data and create campaigns that instantly drive great ROI."

rise in overall online revenue

“The insight really is gold dust to us right now. The projections are powerful and eye opening, the objectives are clear with an achievable roadmap.”

Marni Dasanjh
Ecommerce Manager
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